Suppliers’ price lists processing

Price lists analysis: how does ZOOMOS do it?

  • You can not only order filling online store with products at Zoomos system, but operative suppliers' price lists and (or) competitor analysis are also available for you.

    Price lists analysis is necessary to perform the following tasks:

    1) Quickly update price and availability status based on suppliers' price lists;

    2) Choose product with the best price from the supplier in case that 2 or more suppliers sell one and the same product;

    3) Pick out new products that aren’t available at your store now from the suppliers’ price lists.

    Zoomos system has a number of functional features and is characterized by advanced matching and pricing mechanisms. Read more about price lists program capabilities on the link.

    You can compare prices from different price lists by yourself – register and find out how to get quick result with products pricing!

    If you have any questions, you can read the answers in Frequent Questions. Feel free to call to our Skype: zoomos. or phone +37533 36-18-444. We’ll be glad to hear from you and help you with actualizing your prices!

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