Price and availability
updates automation on
trading platforms:
1K.BY, MIGOM.BY, DOM.BY and other

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Program Capabilities

Trading platforms automatic
update on the link

Automated product pricing taking
into account competitor prices

Product pricing taking into account “black”
and “white” lists of competitors

All types of suppliers’
price lists processing

Multilevel system of
margins for products

Price and availability updates directly
through our API

Unlimited number of price lists
downloads for trading platforms update

Any time interval of
trading platforms update

Update file for any trading
platform generation

The full list of system capabilities includes

  • Unlimited number of your products and price lists download;
  • Effective price lists processing with multiple tabs;
  • All types of price lists processing in different currencies;
  • Multilevel system of margins for products: with the input prices from suppliers’ intervals, with separate category margin and (or) brand products to optimize your pricing and set effective strategies;
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Unlimited number of price lists
download is available

Price lists with multiple
tabs processing

Advanced system of
products automated
price matching

Multilevel system
of margins for

Pricing based on
competitor prices

All types of price
lists processing in
all currencies

New products automated
identification in
price lists

Automated placing
of products on
trading platforms

Search through all
downloaded price lists

Benefits of ZOOMOS

  • Access to the program on the link wherever there is the Internet
  • Simple and clear interface so that you don’t need instructions
  • High work speed owing to powerful servers
  • High data safety
  • 12/6 support
  • We care about our clients' needs and ready to make system revision for your store requirements if necessary
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The way we organize work process
of automated updates

We provide you with access to the price lists processing system Then you download full product list into the system After that you need to download suppliers’ price lists
File for price and availability updates is formed Rules for product pricing are set Unfound products’ match is implemented
On a permanent link you can also update trading platforms.


Update by pressing a button

estimated as $2 per one update.

In case that product pricing taking into account competitors’ prices is necessary $0.001 per one product price parcing are charged additionally

For example,

You’re using 3 price lists for update, in total there are 1000 products in 3 price lists.
You need to perform all 3 lists pricing taking into account competitor prices on
1 update for 3 price lists would cost you $2..
Price parcing for 1000 products is 1000*$0.001=$1.
In total: $2+$1=$3.

Automatic update on the link

Update Period Cost Cost Yandex.Market,
Weekly $40 per month $20 per month
1 time in 2 days $50 per month $25 per month
1 time a day $60 per month $30 per month
Every 12 hours $70 per month $35 per month
Every 6 hours $80 per month $40 per month
Every 3 hours $100 per month $50 per month
Every 2 hours $135 per month $69 per month
Every hour $199 per month $99 per month

Automatic update
cost includes,

your products and products on
trading platform matching

full technical support

ready functional that allows to form single description for one product or for a commodity group

In case that it’s necessary to parce minimum competitor prices, additional $0.001 per 1 product is charged.

Made a decision to enhance your store competive advantage?

Request a free system demonstration now to explore the benefits and possibilities for your store

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