Filling online store with products’photos and descriptions

Product database is about
1,000,000 descriptions

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Price lists and availability
updates based on suppliers’
price automation

300 suppliers’ prices processed
5,000,000 matches written
10 million prices updated

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Competitor price
monitoring and analysis

5 million competitor prices processed
1,000,000 products priced based on
compeitor prices

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Get started with ZOOMOS
Free 1 week trial

Benefits from working with ZOOMOS

Now you can access
price processing wherever
there is the Internet

No problems
with competitor
price parcing

ownership (from $50 per

No need to hire
programmers and
content managers

High data security
due to powerful

12/7 support

Allocated experts
for matches

More than 1 million
matches for the prices
made by other stores

Made a decision to enhance your store competive advantage?

Request a free system demonstration now to explore the benefits and possibilities for your store

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